Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lent, Trust, and the Masters!

Hello good friends! I am glad to finally be returning to the blogosphere to be sharing the details of my life with all of you. I am sure that you all are very glad to be reading about the details of my life. I would like to start out by saying how glad I am that we are already in the season of Lent. Since I have not been in a church tradition that celebrates this season, I am still learning about its importance and role in my faith. For my friends who are not familiar, this is a time of 40 Days (not counting Sundays) before Easter that we remember our sins and spend time focusing on the enormity of Christ's work on the cross on our behalf. What is that you say? "Why don't you focus on that all year round, Nathan?" Well, concerned citizen, Easter is one of the two most important festivals of the Christian year and my belief is that it takes time to enter into its mystery. I cannot image just waking up one spring Sunday morning and saying, "Oh yeah, its Easter! Happy Easter everybody!!!" That is why we "put away" our allelujahs during this time and why we choose not to let life in its entirety distract us from focusing on our need for God.

So now I am going to let you all know that Christy and I are learning some very serious lessons about Trust. Our situation is that Christy very much needs a full time job. She interviewed for what seems like a perfect position a few weeks ago, but as time marches on, our hope for that opportunity dwindles. We hope to have an answer by the end of this week but regardless, we are still looking. Does God know our situation? Yes. Does he want what is best for us in the long run? Yes. Then why is it so hard to turn this over to him and accept His peace about the situation? Why do I constantly remind Him about what He should be doing instead of watching and waiting for His direction? The real question is, "Do I really believe that God is good?" If I did, the trust would come easier, I think.

Lastly, some fun news. I am going to the Masters next month! Woohoo! For those of you who do not know, this is basically the Super Bowl of golf. This is the prestigeous tournament that is almost impossible to get tickets to. I send a huge thanks to my buddy Jimmy for hooking me up. He has also been before so I will have some expertise on my side as to how to enjoy it best. Hopefully I will return with some amazing stories about how I got to meet Phil Mickelson or some other golf legend.

That's all for now.