Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Come out, come out little Micah!

So, Christy and I went to the doctor this afternoon to check on Micah Watch 2010 and we were encouraged to hear that Christy is still 4 cm but the doctor is comfortable with inducing labor soon. We decided on this Thursday around noon. She will start on antibiotics since she tested positive for Strep. B (you don't really want to know and I am not really that sure that I could explain it). She will then get another dose of medicine around 4 or 5 and then the Doc will break her water and start administering a drug called Pitocin. This basically makes her start having contractions.

This is going to be a first for us as all other labors started naturally. However, we are comfortable since she is already dilated and this is her fourth pregnancy. You better keep your eyes open 'cause this labor is going to be like driving through College Station, TX, very short and there might be a smell. Oooooooh snap! Did you see how I got that dig on my Aggie friends there? Did you? It must be close to football season cause I am getting a little snarky about the college rivalries.

Anyway, we are both super pumped and ready to meet the little guy. Hopefully my next post will be filled with pictures of the new friend. Cheers.

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